#BookReview C.S. Lewis - Prince Caspian

Title: Prince Caspian

Author: C.S. Lewis

Language: English

Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Fiction

Add to Read: Goodreads

Rating: 3.9/5

"Prince Caspian" by C. S. Lewis, published in 1951 is a fantasy novel for children. This is the first published work from seven novels in "The Chronicles of Narnia" series. Lewis had finished writing this book in the year 1949, before the first book was out. It is actually the fourth volume, which are sequenced according to the Narnia history. The book Prince Caspian features the return of the four Pevensie children back to Narnia, about one year later in England but 1300 years later in Narnia. In this book, men dominates Narnia; the talking animals and the mythical beings are tyrannized and some of them may also be endangered. The four children who are actually the legendary Kings and Queens of Narnia are called back again by Prince Caspian for assistance.

This book begins the story with the life of Prince Caspian. He know all the history of Narnia from his tutor Doctor Cornelius. He was fascinated by the story of the kings and queens, the white witch and all. But after the death of his father, Lord Miraz took him, but after he had a son, he decided to execute him. Caspian fled from the castle and ended up in the forest of Narnia. There he blows Queen Susan's horn and also met those magical creatures, he had heard so much. There he plans to take over the kingdom, and asks the help of Narnians for they too can earn their freedom. But little did he know that he had summoned the Kings and Queens of old.
“Golly! It’s a bit uncomfortable to know that we can be whistled for like that. It’s worse than what Father says about living at the mercy of the telephone.”
― C.S. Lewis, Prince Caspian
Peter, Edmund, Susan and Lucy were sitting at the railway station, when they found that they were dragged by a magical force back to another place with thick forest and ruins. Like any other child, they explored around, going here and there, and at last Peter found that they had come back to Narnia and this ruin is the Cair Paravel itself. There they met a dwarf called Trumpkin and he depicts the story of present Narnia. At last, the Pevensie agree to go to Prince Caspian's aid. They went on ahead facing many difficulties. When they arrive at a gorge, Lucy spots Aslan, but the others, except Edmund, don't believe her. They take the hard road and get even more lost. When they were sleeping, Aslan comes to Lucy and tells her to wake the others and they all followed Aslan to Caspian's camp. There they found, Nikabrik trying to resurrect the White Witch.
“Wouldn't it be dreadful if some day in our own world, at home, men start going wild inside, like the animals here, and still look like men, so that you'd never know which were which.”
― C.S. Lewis, Prince Caspian
And after that they went to war. And so, the big war begins. With his new army outnumbered, Peter challenges Miraz to single combat, which Miraz accepts because he felt that his pride is on the line. They fight it out with swords and shield, but ended when two Telmarine lords, Glozelle and Sopespian, betray and stab Miraz. They then call others to fight the Narnians. But with Peter and Edmund in command, the Narnians beat them back to the river. Lucy and Susan who went to find out Aslan comes and Aslan ends this war. Victory and success! Caspian is crowned King and the Old Narnians can now live freely in their land. Aslan allowed the Telmarines who wish to remain in Narnia to stay, and the transport the others to an island in our world. Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy, have to return to their own world, too. For Peter and Susan, it's sad as Aslan says they've become too old to return to Narnia again. But Edmund and Lucy will return one day, though. And with that, they return back to the railway station after one big summer adventure.
"They did nothing wrong their time here has ended"
― C.S. Lewis, Prince Caspian
I loved this book. I really enjoyed reading this book. Some of the characters especially Reepicheep was a favourite of mine. This is a good book and I recommend this to anyone who likes to read fantasy.

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